Sunday, May 24, 2009

Tiny Revolutionary

Everyone I know these days is becoming more environmentally aware. We're using refillable water bottles and reusable shopping bags. These may seem like small things when we're bombarded daily with bad news about our planet. It's easy to feel helpless to do anything (there's even a term for it: eco-stress!).

How about some hopeful and positive messages for a change? Tiny Revolutionary carries a hip and progressive collection of tees & onesies for children with phrases like "I'll Change the World Someday" in baby, toddler and new youth sizes (above), and "Be the Change You Want to See in the World." Styles range from the environmentally-minded Save the Polar Bears to the more political War is Poop.

What could be better than shopping for cool tees for your unboring boy AND helping other children around the world? For every This Shirt Saved a Life tee sold, Tiny Revoluationary donates $20 to Africa Aid to help feed refugee children in Ghana.

All change begins small. That's Tiny Revolutionary's slogan and the perfect slogan for anyone trying to make positive changes to benefit the earth.

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

Very, very cool!